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Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy

· 1 min read

Verbals encourages all writers to express their creativity and imagination through original writing. We do not allow any copyright infringement or pirated material on the platform and will remove any works that we discover to have been published illegally. While some users may not be aware of copyright law, we do our best to educate and inform our community while building an engaging audience for all writers.

Selecting copyright

When you post your content on Verbals, there are multiple copyright options that you can select from. Each of the options only applies to the work that you can copyright; if you include song lyrics, lines from books, films or tv shows, or famous people and historical figures, you’re not claiming copyright ownership to them by selecting any of these options.

Selecting copyright language doesn’t register your work with any copyright offices, or transfer copyright ownership to Verbals (you grant Verbals some limited licenses when you upload your content).

The most commonly used licenses are the following:

  1. All Rights Reserved
  2. Public Domain
  3. Creative Commons

We always recommend saving any original works outside of the Verbals platform. In the event of an account closure due to a violation of any of our site policies, we will not restore or transfer your content, which may include your original works.