Verbals is a platform where many creators and writers share their books, novels, stories, and ideas with their audience worldwide. We understand the importance of protecting the work of these creators and writers and have implemented several measures to ensure their safety. These include removing users and accounts that are found to be pirating content and accepting and acting on official DMCA Takedown Requests from copyright owners.
While it is not possible to completely prevent copyright infringement on the internet, creators and writers are automatically protected under copyright law as soon as they put their original work in a fixed format. They don't have to register their work with the copyright office for it to be protected by law, but it may be helpful. As the copyright owner, they have the right to submit a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request to any website where their work is being infringed upon.
We strive to provide a safe platform for creators and writers to share their work. To that end, we are continuously exploring new ways to improve our approach to protecting their rights and work.